Wednesday, January 23, 2008

I can't write...

On Monday, Bobcat had an endocrinologist appointment regarding his petite frame. (I'll write on this appointment at a later time.) After his appointment we were sent to the lab office to have his blood drawn for further testing. He was a real champ about the whole thing, and when all was said and done he had a cool band aid... and no bruising to speak of! And due to the sheer amount of time we spent at the clinic (3 hours), homeschooling was a wash.

Tuesday proceeded as any normal day. During handwriting practice, Bobcat stretched out his arm and said "Mommy, I don't know if I can write anymore, my arm is hurting from yesterday." Being the kind soul I am, I looked at his arm and noted that there wasn't even a bruise there. I told him I was sure he could continue, but that I would give him some motrin later.

After everyone finished up, we headed out to meet Daddio for lunch. I was telling him about Bobcat's remark... when he started laughing... hard. I thought it was pretty funny that Bobcat was being somewhat dramatic but not that funny, then Daddio informed me that the blood had been taken from his left arm... and he's right handed! Oh... ha ha ha ha... get it?! Maybe you had to be there.

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

Ha! Ha! Ha! Sounds like our girl when she gets a tiny, naked to the human eye boo boo on her fingers or leg. "Oh mommy! I can't take a bath today" or, "I guess I won't be able to practice piano".