Sunday, January 6, 2008


Happy Feast of the Epiphany!

The last several days have been quite difficult in the Llama household. The devil has done his best to infiltrate (via extended family conflict), but today was the light that we so desperately needed. The weather was great, the boys and my niece (who spent yesterday and today with us) got to run, scoot, and play for the better part of the day while we were able to enjoy their enthusiasm.

Plus after Mass this evening we were able to catch up to the priest and set the date for Bobcat's First Communion... Feb 1! YAY! Oh, and I built up the courage to stop a black lady and ask for some advice to treat the boys skin. They have very dry skin, and we'd been doing quite well with this one particular lotion from Melaleuca, but I no longer order from them and the current lotion doesn't seem to be doing the trick. They have developed these super dry patches that are a little raised, and even with application a few times a day isn't really clearing it up. Anyway, this is way out of comfort zone to go up to someone I don't know and ask such a bizarre question. She was quite nice (and thankfully was not at all put off by me asking, which had been a worry of mine when asking about issues that are in direct relation to their african americanism), and it turns out that her children are also bi-racial and I was able to show her Snookie's hands and she gave a recommendation that I will take care of this week!

1 comment:

Christie said...

I have a training curriculum that is related to caring for the hair and skin of african american children. Would you like for me to mail a copy to you? I have not actually went through it myself, but have it as a resource for some of our foster parents. Just let me know.