Thursday, January 10, 2008

The end...

On the way home from lunch Daddio this afternoon I was listening to Catholic radio; to Steven and Stephanie Woods. He was talking about starting the year making Godly Priorities, and how you need to make a plan for the year keeping the most important things up front. Steve quoted a really great scripture passage in the book of Sirach (old testament)... I will paraphrase: In all you do, remember the end (death and judgement) and you will not sin. Isn't that the truth, don't wait till you're old to make the right choices or ask for forgiveness. We've all heard the adage, what if you died for tomorrow?, which is good... but worrying about things left undone isn't really what we should be worrying about. What the consideration should be - where will our eternal souls spend eternity!

He went on to talk about our responsibility in the coming election, and our calling as Christians to vote pro-life. While he spoke about what you can do, he made a great analogy - TRUTH actually. Imagine that someone, against your will, aborts your unborn child. You watch the child being dismembered and all the other horrible things they do in abortion. God, the FATHER, witnesses that with EVERY SINGLE abortion. How angry would you be... how angry is He. How sad and distraught would you be, how distraught is He?

1 comment:

Jennifer @ Conversion Diary said...

Wow, these are great points. Thank you for sharing.