Thursday, April 19, 2007

For Reals...

For a few weeks now the kids have been fussy and gripey and altogether grumpy. Most of the time it is directed at each other, and toys that they want/had/stole/looked at/thought maybe... even after all the super fun things that we've done.

I finally reached my limit on Monday so I enacted a new new system around here. You fuss about a toy, steal a toy, or altogether break some rule with a toy... the bucket from whence toy came goes to jail (jail means out of the room and you don't get it back till you earn it back somehow). Jail usually is a half wall in our living room, but this kind of action was going to require more than a small area...

These are two cube shelfs that are in their gameroom... usually each cubby has a bucket with a particular kind of toy (hotwheels, super heros, legos).

Here are said tubs taking up residence in my room! 7 tubs and a few odds and ends that don't generally have a tub of their own to belong to.


Elizabeth said...

Oh dear! Have any of them asked if they can use a "get out of jail free card?" Those pictures are hilarious to onlookers, probably not so fun for you, huh? :)



nicole said...

We have put toys in time out many times around here. When you have a room full of toys but can't stop fighting over one, it is clearly time to reduce the options. It is always effective, at least in the short term. It is the screaming at each other while tugging on the toy that makes me crazy.