Thursday, May 22, 2008


I'm super excited, Daddio just emailed to say that he was able to secure a sitter for an evening away... WOOHOO... we need it, desperately. Not so much because of the boys, but because work (Daddio's) has been super stressful, watching someone elses child during the day (who is a doll, but different), and our non-stop schedule of appointments.

Very rarely do we get to spend an evening (away) together, I have therapy or he has to work late... so Saturday we are heading to a friend's home for a birthday... BBQ and libations!

On the ankle front, I only have 10 more sessions before they (PT's) think I will be released. And as of last Friday I was released from my ortho. He feels that I'm progressing, but I have to be careful due to the fact that I can easily re-injure it and it be WORSE than the initial injury (he's a real confidence booster). So I'm supposed to keep my brace or boot close at hand, and wear them anytime I'm feeling uncomfortable or unsure of the terrain.


The Rhodes' said...

I am so glad ya'll found someone! Thanks for adding my Munchkin to the mix the last few weeks!

Elizabeth said...

Have fun kids! :)

nicole said...

Lucky you! Enjoy the bbq and libations. Have some for me too. :)