Sunday, November 19, 2006

There's something to be said...

I just don't know what that something is.

I have a friend who privately celebrated the 19th birthday of her baby sister this past week, who was tragically and accidently killed as just a baby. While still wrapping my head around what happened Friday, and am faced with another sadness. Today we went to a special Mass dedicated to Kelsey Roberts, and then on to breakfast with Kelsey's dad to celebrate her birthday... only Kelsey wasn't there. She would have turned 13 on Tuesday, but she left her earthly body in August of 2005 when she was killed -- MURDERED by her own mother.

I sit here, tears streaming down feeling some great need to put things into perspective...

Why couldn't we follow directions... God said DON'T EAT THE FRUIT, and then sin and death entered the world...

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