Friday, October 12, 2007

It's been a while

I've been phoning it in lately, and I know it... why??? Well, I've been busy. Homeschooling, housekeeping, and the sort. It has been quite the undertaking having all three boys schooling. Although, I've been pleasantly surprised at how well things are going. Our schedule, as far as school work, have been right on the money. The new concepts are coming at a good interval, and the reviews aren't drudgery. And I'm pleased that I've stayed on top of the big feasts and even some of the secular events that are of interest to the boys.

Our daily routine seems to be working pretty well also. The outdoor playtime rotates between before naptime or after, and usually every evening we spend some time outside for walks, or just more hide and seek and the likes.

It would appear that we have rolled out of the growth spurts and that the behavior has gone back to normal.

I also had a really interesting conversation with our Pedi. about Snookie's all night tantrums. He truly feels that Snookie has trouble with the transitions between the parts of sleep. He told me that children who never learn to self sooth as babies will struggle with this as they get older. What happens is during the transition stage he wakes up... (this can be much more visable during growth spurts when the body does more twitching during rest times), and then isn't able to get back to sleep. He also said that Snookie might not be all the way wake when he is fussing, and that we should make sure he is in a safe place during these times... why? Well these children are the ones that he typically sees start to sleep walk. (He actually said we were doing a good thing by moving him to another room and making a palette on the floor... something he won't fall out of! That was such a huge relief.) What else can we do right now? Nothing! We are supposed to just leave him alone when he starts that up! Oh, and to keep having him nap so that he can actually get all the rest/sleep he can in a 24 hour period of time.

So on the whole, things are getting better around here. More sleeping, good school work, and much better behavior!



Charlotte (WaltzingM) said...

It sounds like Night Terrors only at an older age. When my oldest went through them at the age of 2 I seriously thought he was possessed. Hope he can transition through them quickly!

MommaLlama said...

We pretty much ruled that out. He isn't in fear, he is just really mad that he is awake. He generally wakes with leg jitters (during growth spurts), then he is angered by his blankets that aren't just so... it just snowballs. He can't just roll over and fall back asleep.

Anonymous said...

Whew! I was wondering what was happening behind the scenes, especially after Daddio's last blog entry. Love, Littlebit

Michelle said...

I'm glad to hear your family is getting back to a new sense of normal. How frustrating for your little guy and for you with the middle of the night difficulties.