Seriously I am going nuts with all the fussing. When does a 5 year old realize that he is not in charge? The thing is we have never allowed them to be in charge and just now pulling in the reigns like so many parents out there now... we have always been in charge, allowing him to make some decision only at the more appropriate times based on his age. But for whatever reason he thinks that if decides that he does want to do something... which is basically anything that we ask him to do, well you are going to hear about it... those stupid alligator tears. You know, I'm not even slightly moved by them... and it annoys the snot out of me when we are out in public and he starts that up and onlookers are like "oh, isn't he cute, I wonder what's wrong". And I am doing my best not to say "oh he is just being a little punk".
I thought for a while that he was only doing it with me and not to DH. But turns out that during our last tag alongs for business trips, he pulls the same stunts with DH as with me! In a way that makes me happy... that I'm not being singled out by him, but a real pain in the butt because there is no relief from his little attitude issues.
My guess, or hope, is that this is somewhat of a typical 5 year old attitude and with time he grows out of it. My fear is that his genetic make-up is that of a whiney self absorbed childish mentality that we will be battling for the rest of our lives. Please say that other kindergarteners out there are testing their limits of control :-).
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