Monday, July 24, 2006

Clap... jump... clap jump and a car chase...

Ahhh, yet another night of jumping jacks. Monster and Bubba just can't resist a little bedtime play action. Once caught they are suddenly exhausted and not so laughy... more crying, screaming, and too tired to go on! Oh, but 15 minutes of jumping jacks sure tires them out.

The thing that sucked about it last night was the fact that there was a really interesting car chase happening (actually the vehicle that was being chased was a semi) when they decided to misbehave. I'm a real sucker for car chases if they are live! Thankfully we have a DVR thingy, so we paused the live chase to go and deal with the children. Once the boys completed their jumping jacks... back to bed with them... and back to the car chase for us.

For those of you wondering how the car chase ended... well the victim was set free, and the criminal was tear gased out!!!! Very interesting... And the reason the man took this woman hostage (the woman was a trucker)... it was all in the name of JUSTICE and EQUALITY in the work force for African Americans. Here's a tip dude... when you hijack two cars, then lead a 3 1/2 hour semi chase... I'm not seeing your plight, only CRIME!

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