Monday, September 6, 2010

The wheels on the bus go round and round!

I'm a survivor, at least that's the song that keeps playing in my head when things get tense... ;-)

Two weeks down... and the start of week three begins tomorrow! In all honesty things are going well, better than I expected actually. All three have taken to the new subjects/book quite well. A break out favorite has been Latin which I'm pleased about... the last thing you want to do is fight with your kids about a foreign language. Naturally we are having a few issues here and there (as usual), but there are so many more things to look forward to in our normal day that is seems be making our previous struggles much more manageable.

The only subject I've yet to get put into the schedule the right way (I have to have order or we will not survive) is the IEW. Hopefully in the next two weeks I will get that all ironed and be in the routine that works more smoothly!

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