Tuesday, March 20, 2007


So this morning DH had a pretty important interview and I was all nerves all night and all morning.  Why?  Well, it was important and could mean really great things for us... not that things aren't great right now... we are happy, and DH really likes his current job, but this would be 'the job'.  I was up most of the night, and the morning plagued me with a rotten stomach and nerves.  Thankfully a friend and her kids came over and we went out to lunch and that got my mind off of DH's interview...

How did the interview go... well.  We're not out shopping few a new house just yet (we would need to upgrade so that we could have a home office since he would be a full time telecommuter)... okay so I'm already shopping for houses, but WE aren't shopping for houses... but we won't be shocked and horrified if he doesn't get it, and we will be super stoked throwing a big ole' party and what not when he gets it :-).  This is the next logical step up with in the company and it will happen when it is meant to happen.  I just hope it gets to happen now... I'm some what impatient, even though it isn't even me interviewing or doing the work :-)... I'm just the super supportive wife.

When we will know... 2-3 weeks, UGHHHHHHHHHH

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