Wednesday, March 7, 2007

School Work

Bubba finished up his letter practice book this morning... so we are back to homemade sheets that I make or print off from the computer. I feel like we reached a milestone with him finishing it! Ahhhh. Plus I picked up these neat little flash card deals called Hot Dots for Bubba to work with for his phonics... and eventually Snookie and even Bobcat with different cards to use. Could we do things with out a talking pen, sure, but trust me when I say that sometimes you need to change it up in order to make progress.
Speaking of progress, I think I have nailed down my curriculums for the fall! It turns out I will be doing a combination of Seton and CHC again this year. For us it really seems to be a winning combination. I really pumped that I did the research and that I'm done with the hard part. Now I can have fun looking for crafty/artsy stuff to add to the mix for the next school year.
I'd be lying if I wasn't a little nervous about next year though. I mean, now, when Snookie throws his little fit, or Bubba or even Bobcat (like today) it doesn't totally throw our schedule off... but the having all three of them with goals to meet... well, it will be the work of the Holy Spirit to keep us all on the right foot!

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