This is what it looked like when it started 14 years ago:

Then 10 years ago today, it started in a whole new way...
10 years of marriage... just saying it sounds kind of weird. So in 10 years what's happened? As Daddio so aptly put it on my FB page...
(you get the picture)
I would add... trial by fire, flyin by the seat of our pants, you and me against the world... yeah, I think that covers it :)
Now some may be interested in what we did to celebrate... my sweet, awesome, amazing husband took me to the one place I've wanted to go for YEARS!!!! SIMPLY FONDUE!!!! I'm sure there were a million other places he thought he would like better, and wouldn't have to practically take out a second mortgage on the house to cover the bill... but he made reservations for an out of the way booth just for the two of us! It was amazing... four courses (of maybe the best food EVER), a new and different glass of wine with each, and 3 hours of quiet conversation... well, it was AMAZING!